Sunday, 11 December 2011

contest senyuman paling TAK comel

1. WAJIB follow blog NurushsyifaqErda.
2. Semua bloggers boleh join. Lelaki or Perempuan :)
3. Buat satu entry bertajuk 'Contest Senyuman Paling Comel'
4. Gambar mestilah senyum and original/edit diterima.
5. Letak link entry kat comment okay.
6. Mesti tag kawan yg lain sekurang-kurangnya 3 org
7. Contest ni dibatalkan jika peserta kurang daripada 15 orang
8. Pemenang 5 orang sahaja. Tarikh tutup : 28 December 2011

*p/s : It hurts when you have to fake a smile and hide your scars every fucking day. :)

Friday, 9 December 2011


I will never make you cry
Let's make our way
Through the broad wild land
Into the future..with tears
I'll shine like a star just for you
I'll have the sweetest smile
Just to sing a song for you.

p/s : will you be my girl forever?

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


haha.. 2 hari lagi budak ni habis la priksa SPM. aku cuba kurangkan luang masa dengan dia sebab ya lah dia sibuk nak SPM , penting tu. haha . Lepas exam nak buat apa? Dia cakap nak kerja, boleh ka cek? hoho .. kerja ni bukan senang macam pegang pensil salin nota dekat "whiteboard" huh . mental mahu kuat , kederat mahu ada. kalau tak memang tak jadi la kerja tu . Kenapa aku tulis pasai dia? suka hati aku la blog aku , yang ang pa sibuk pasai pa. HAHA . chow :)

With my
1 Heart...
2 eyes...
5 litre blood...
206 bones...
1.2million Red Cells...
60 trillion D.N.A.'s...
I wish u "All the very best of LUCK"..

*p/s :hat yg blah kanan dari pandangan hadapan tu.